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On April 23rd-26th, the industry's key players are gathering together at the Professional Pricing Society (PPS) 2024 Spring Pricing Workshops & Conference. The week will offer pricing thought leadership, strategizing, and networking for the pricing world. Attendees will meet industry leaders, providing potentially unparalleled insight into the future of pricing and how to best prepare. Between all the breakout sessions, workshops, and scheduled events,, it can be challenging to narrow your schedule to the most impactful opportunities the week offers. 

Canidium’s pricing team will attend PPS 2024 to engage with, bolster, and learn from our industry partners. We will bring our expertise in implementing pricing solutions, offering a unique perspective on the week's events. Our experts focus on educating organizations on the need for pricing solutions, the benefits they provide, and the implementation journey. 

Our team of pricing experts created this guide for the PPS 2024 Spring Pricing Conference. They highlight three educational sessions that are excellent resources for organizations looking to understand how a pricing solution will fit into their business strategies. In this article, we will also explain where you can find us during the event to learn more about the implementation process. 


3 PPS Sessions to Put on Your Conference Calendar

There is no wrong way to attend the conference. PPS 2024 has many informative sessions and workshops that offer in-depth analyses of the current state of the pricing industry. However, a few particularly pertinent sessions are available for organizations interested in learning more about pricing solutions' features, functions, and benefits.

Three sessions stand out as excellent topics for organizations looking to understand why pricing software is becoming critical for organizations across sectors and how to communicate this transformation to your company. 


Canidium's Three Recommended PPS Sessions


1. Pricing Under Uncertainty

Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 1:50-2:30 PM. 

This session focuses on finding pricing clarity amidst uncertainty, sourcing alternative pricing data, and making informed pricing decisions. 

Global upheaval is rapidly impacting raw materials, supply chains, economies, and tariffs. Keeping up with the volatile ups and downs that happen with increasing frequency is a significant challenge for most businesses today. External market factors significantly cut profit margins, and the rocky landscape is not easing up anytime soon.

The United States' imposition of steel tariffs on China has sent ripples through various sectors, particularly automotive and parts manufacturing, where steel is a critical component. The looming uncertainty surrounding these tariffs has raised alarms about the potential rise in input costs. 

Continuing inflation is also driving up costs across the board. Companies need help to maintain their margins while the price of raw materials steadily increases. Meanwhile, social and political strife in the Middle East is sparking speculation that the price of oil may rise, subsequently pushing up costs across the shipping industry. 

These factors, among numerous others, generate a volatile business outlook. You must reimagine your pricing strategies to accommodate these challenges and improve your margins on every sale. If overcoming these challenges is a priority for your company, this session will teach you how. 


2. Unlock Success With Competitive Pricing

Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 3:00-3:40 PM. 

This session focuses on investing in new technologies, building a solid data foundation, and incorporating your business structure, goals, and customers into your strategic pricing plan. 

Competitive pricing can help companies maintain or grow market share. This strategy ensures the pricing of products or services is attractive to consumers compared to alternatives offered by competitors. It is particularly crucial for businesses operating in markets where price significantly influences consumer choices. 

By adopting competitive pricing, companies can attract price-sensitive customers, discourage potential entrants, and effectively respond to market and competitor price changes. Competitive pricing helps establish a brand as a viable choice for consumers seeking value and quality, making it a foundational practice for companies in oversaturated markets.

Learning more about implementing competitive pricing in your organization can be the first step to gaining more market share and growing profitability. If you are in a tight market, this session walks you through the fundamentals of competitive pricing to help you succeed.


3. Big Lever: Convince Your Company to Invest in Pricing

Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 1:50-2:30 PM. 

This session focuses on fostering internal motivation, managing stakeholders, and generating buy-in for internal solutions. 

Building buy-in for new initiatives is essential, particularly for projects that affect multiple departments, such as pricing strategy. This shared commitment increases the likelihood of successful implementation, as engaged stakeholders are more willing to navigate challenges and propel the project forward.

Additionally, involving diverse stakeholders early in the process helps identify and mitigate potential risks, improving the chances of a smooth rollout. Buy-in is also crucial for sustaining changes over time. When stakeholders feel invested in a project's success, they're more likely to uphold and enhance the changes, ensuring they become embedded in the corporate culture.

Securing necessary resources also becomes more accessible with widespread buy-in, as supportive stakeholders are more likely to advocate for allocating budgets, personnel, and other essential inputs. To successfully implement and integrate a pricing solution, you will first need to generate buy-in at your company, and this session teaches you how. 


Stop by Canidium's Booth to Meet Our Pricing Solution Implementation Experts

If your team can attend these three sessions at the PPS 2024 Spring Pricing Conference, they will leave with a strong understanding of how implementing a pricing solution will impact their organization. 

However, these sessions can be just a starting point. The conference will cover many other pressing pricing topics over the week. In addition to the sessions we have already recommended, you can make the most of the event by exploring other sessions and workshops relevant to your organization's specific concerns and goals. 

To learn more about implementing pricing solutions, stop by our booth to meet our experts. We will walk you through the specifics of what a pricing solution could look like at your company and the process of integrating the new tool into your digital infrastructure.

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