How salespeople treat potential customers is a sign of their organization's professionalism and competence. The right approach can make the difference in any sales situation, but it can be difficult for new employees to find the balance needed to secure a sale. Therefore, it is very important that businesses have the right sales on-boarding procedures.

Teaching new employees about the expectations of customers and the need for an honest and respectful approach can greatly increase the performance of the entire sales staff. Companies looking to see strong gains should focus on the middle 60 percent of performers. Small performance upticks can make a big difference within this demographic, especially if the right training occurs early on.

Business 2 Community reports that one of the key lessons to teach employees is that actions speak louder than words. Marketing material is designed to attract potential clients, but it is also often short and lacks key information about how products could benefit the customer. Sales staff need to know what distinguishes the items they are trying to sell from other similar products, and understand how to deliver this information in an effective way. Showing the benefits by setting up demonstrations can help overcome customer resistance, so practical examples that illustrate how to get the product into customers' hands could boost any staff member's performance.

Action also impacts how quickly calls are returned. Waiting too long to provide answers to questions or address issues can deter potential clients. With email and social media, it is easier than ever for people to remain in touch, but these channels do require new skills. Training salespeople on how to effectively manage multiple sales channels can pay off with fewer dropped leads and more repeat business.

Teaching the value of the follow-up is essential to the success of any on-boarding program. Repeat sales require less time than nurturing new leads, and can provide the steady stream of revenue necessary to boost commissions. Businesses also benefit by developing a strong relationships with clients that help build solid brand reputations.

Making follow-up calls part of the sales process stresses the importance of the relationship with the consumer. Customers want to be acknowledged as a valuable resource, and employees who treat them as such will complete more transactions. Businesses that support their sales teams in their efforts to provide quality service are likely to see better returns.