Gamification is beneficial for sales performance management (SPM), but the procedure also creates another system that requires regular maintenance. Games that affect basic corporate operations must be regularly updated to ensure that representatives are able to progress and succeed. When vendors do not adapt the games to offer a more enjoyable user experience, employees will become frustrated with the game and, by extension, their work. 

Difficulty is one of the most common complaints that agents have about sales games. Instead of intuitive levels with meaningful benchmarks, some companies design games that require a great deal of effort. Representatives want to focus on selling goods or services and earning their sales incentives, not learning complicated rules and how to navigation a complex application. Additionally, managers cannot dedicate the majority of their time to teaching employees how to make in-game progress. The best solution is for businesses to create realistic goals and add tips to the gamification software. 

Achievable goals
The in-game successes of sales agents is predicated on their abilities to reach new goals. Objectives cannot be haphazardly chosen – managers must tie the targets to actual quotas to keep employees engaged. Forbes writes that the best goals motivate representatives to strive for personal and business achievements

Carefully monitor the team before introducing gamification software. Consider what makes different salespeople succeed and tailor the goals around those unique aspects. For instance, a representative who is great with maintaining client relationships should progress through the game based on recurring business. Meanwhile, another agent can earn in-game rewards for generating leads and closing new deals. The individualistic approach ensures that games do not frustrate their players and motivate excellent sales techniques. 

Hints and tricks
Vendors use gamification for sales on-boarding, but training does not cover every aspect of the programs. Managers must ensure that staff members can find solutions to difficult parts of the games without interrupting supervisors or associates. The Dailybreak writes that administrators should create in-game hints and tips to eliminate headaches so employees can focus on sales, instead of minor issues with the software. 

Build a help button in the games so workers can always find assistance. Representatives should be able to access basic instructions and find answers to complex questions within the applications instead of asking someone else. Additionally, there should be a social platform in the game where team members can share solutions and tips after they resolve their own issues.