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Timing Your Pricefx Implementation: The Case for Quick Starts

Written by Sarah Pultorak | May 7, 2024 1:00:00 PM

If you are considering your first pricing solution implementation, determining the proper project timeline for implementing your new pricing solution is challenging. You are likely weighing the pros and cons of delaying your start date in favor of a more extended preparatory period versus charging ahead to complete the project quickly. Without the benefit of having gone through a pricing solution implementation before, there is no way to definitively tell which plan is ideal for your company. 

At Canidium, our Pricefx implementation team manages and optimizes project timelines for all our clients. We help them set project milestones and customize their implementation timeline to suit their best interests and unique needs. 

Often, Canidium assists clients in building buy-in throughout their company or coaches executive involvement early on to optimize the success of a project.

Canidium's working knowledge gives us a detailed understanding of the nuances of determining proper project timelines. Based on this experience, this article will help you decide if starting your project earlier is the best course of action. We cover the following topics:


Common Concerns Surrounding Early Software Implementations

While the benefits of starting projects early are significant, you probably still have a few logistical concerns about condensing your timeline. There are real issues to consider if you want to enjoy the benefits of a quick pricing implementation. 

Overcoming the challenges of a quick implementation requires facing them head-on. With a plan in place to deal with these concerns, you can quickly mitigate them or, better yet, eliminate them altogether. 

Each software project features unique elements, just as every business is different, so you may face singular challenges as you plan your quick Pricefx implementation. But generally, the companies are dealing with the following challenges when managing an early implementation:

  • Data Readiness: Preparing your data is essential when beginning a new implementation. When facing a quick start date for a project, the immediate reaction is to think that the data is not clean enough to begin the implementation. However, waiting for perfect data is an endless cycle, so imperfect data should not be a deterrent. Implementing a new system quickly can catalyze improving data quality. Use this opportunity to assess and refine your data, enhancing its quality iteratively as the system evolves.
  • Resource Constraints: A quick turnaround between signing a new software agreement and implementing a new project can make it feel like you do not have enough time to gather resources. However, contrary to this belief, you may find that quickly assembling resources while project support is prominent will be much easier than taking your time. 
  • Uncertain Project Priorities: Uncertainty in requirements is another prominent reason projects stall. Your SI partner will design, configure, and integrate Pricefx according to the goals and strategies of your organization, meaning it is essential to have a clear idea of how you intend to use the solution early in the implementation process. The problem is that it takes time to get all stakeholders involved and aligned on common goals while ensuring that these objectives match overall company benchmarks. However, your SI partner can help you overcome this obstacle. They will review the key objectives, value case study, and metrics that went into your company’s purchase decision—and then craft the implementation around those areas.  This will ensure consistency between your reason for selecting pricing software and the benefits you will realize once you’re “live.” 

A quicker implementation comes with its own set of challenges. However, it is equally apparent that a slower project timeline can be just as challenging to manage and potentially cause a loss in immediate returns. At the same time, securing the resources and personnel you need to oversee your project internally may be more challenging, potentially impacting the ultimate product quality. 


Determining Your Implementation Timeline Based on Company-Focused Considerations

The benefits of starting a Pricefx implementation early are compelling. But at the same time, you also need to ensure that you are prepared to begin your project before you get the ball rolling. 

Organizational concerns that crop up in the middle of an implementation can completely derail your schedule, so you should make sure that you can realistically initiate a project quickly to ensure the process runs smoothly. 

Here are some critical company-focused considerations you should take into account when establishing your project timeline: 

  • Resource Allocation: Allocating enough project managers, subject matter experts, and IT personnel is essential for a smooth implementation. Organizations may need to assess their existing project commitments and potentially reallocate time to prioritize the Pricefx implementation project.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating Pricefx with existing systems such as ERP, CRM, or e-commerce platforms may occur in parallel with, or immediately following the implementation of other solutions.  Organizations need to plan for this additional integration, which can impact the timeline for starting the implementation project.
  • Change Management: Planning for change management activities such as training, communication, and stakeholder engagement is crucial for ensuring the successful adoption of Pricefx within the organization. Organizations may need to invest time and budget for change management initiatives, which can influence the timing of project initiation.
  • Contingency Planning: It is prudent to build a contingency within the project timeline to address unforeseen risks or challenges. Organizations that prioritize risk management and allocate funding for contingencies may be more prepared to initiate the Pricefx implementation project promptly.
  • ROI Considerations: Assessing the expected return on investment (ROI) from the Pricefx implementation is essential for budget planning. Planning for a quick timeline for implementation will make sure your ROI targets are met and are achievable.  
  • Budget Approval Process: The organization's budget approval process, including the timing of budget cycles, review periods, and decision-making timelines, can influence when the Pricefx implementation project can be initiated. Starting with a reasonable scope and project timeline will make it easier for your pricing project to be approved..

A quick implementation directly benefits many of these financial factors. If you can pull off a quick project, you can realize an ROI faster. Other considerations, such as resource allocation and budget approval, can also be easier if you leverage the peak in executive attention right after the initial investment.

The speed of your implementation will depend on how readily you can rally financial support for the project, both now and for future phases. To realize the benefits of a quick implementation, you must relay the potential monetary value of strategic pricing tools to leadership. This messaging will help you communicate the benefits of investing in a faster implementation timeline.


The 3 Benefits of Early Implementation Project Start Dates

Beginning a Pricefx project quickly can seem daunting for even the most organized companies. Pricing solutions are highly sophisticated and complex digital tools that require significant time and effort to integrate successfully into daily workflows. 

Jumping into your pricing project quickly may initially seem not to offer enough preparation time for you and your designated internal implementation team. Still, this assumption does not necessarily hold true in reality. 

Despite any reasonable hesitance to condense timelines on a complex project for fear of underbaking your plan, the reality of a quick implementation can be quite different than you might imagine. A fast implementation has some significant advantages that you cannot dismiss. 

In the interest of understanding why a quick implementation is often the ideal solution, even for complex projects, here are the three most important benefits of starting early:


1. Recouping Investment Costs

You invested a significant amount in your new software, and understandably, you want to ensure that every dollar counts. The journey to generating a return on your investment begins right after you purchase the product. This phase is crucial; taking prompt action can set the stage for maximizing returns.

The key to effective cost recovery is to capitalize on your investment by initiating the software implementation process immediately. Delays can be costly—not just in terms of financial outlays but also in lost opportunities. When you expedite your Pricefx deployment, you will benefit from its capabilities sooner and shorten the time needed to achieve a return on your investment.

One of the most compelling arguments for swift software implementation is the concept of 'time to value'—the speed at which the software begins to contribute positively to your bottom line. You minimize the delay between investment and utility by initiating the deployment process immediately after purchase. This rapid deployment means your organization starts reaping the benefits of enhanced efficiencies, better pricing strategies, and improved data analytics much sooner. Each day gained in using the software translates to tangible savings and additional revenue that otherwise would have been lost.


2. Building Executive Buy-In

When your organization commits to a new software solution, like a pricing tool, it isn't just a financial investment; it's a signal of strategic priority from the top. When you make a purchase decision, there is a surge of executive interest and support. This moment is a golden opportunity to harness that momentum and channel it into the successful kickoff of your project.

After the decision, executives are highly motivated. As you begin this journey, remember that their active engagement can be a powerful catalyst. Make the most of this interest by asking for help mobilizing the necessary resources to support the project's success. 

Leverage this period of heightened executive interest by aligning your project's goals with the strategic vision. Use the excitement generated by the recent purchase to secure quick wins, reinforcing their investment decision. This effort can include scheduling initial training sessions, setting up early-stage planning meetings, or beginning the design process with your software implementation (SI) partner—all actions that maintain the project's visibility and perceived value among the leadership.

You can use your executives' post-purchase enthusiasm as a springboard to establish buy-in and combat the impacts of internal resource constraints.


3. Assembling a Stronger Team

Right after your company signs a new software agreement is the ideal time to capitalize on this energy by assembling your implementation team. IT resources are a precious commodity in any company, typically stretched across multiple projects. Given this competitive landscape, your timing in pulling together the right people can make all the difference.

Start by being strategic about whom you need. Identify the roles crucial for the success of the pricing software implementation—this might include IT specialists, project managers, data analysts, and key users from the departments most affected by pricing adjustments. Securing commitment from these individuals early on is essential, as their skills and insights will drive the project forward.

Communicate clearly and compellingly why their involvement is critical. This project is not just another task on their plate; it's an opportunity to be part of a transformative initiative that aligns with the organization's strategic goals. 

Use the initial momentum from the software purchase agreement to increase your chances of getting these key players on board. If you wait too long, the initial excitement may wane, and other projects may take precedence in their minds. Early engagement helps keep the pricing project high in your team's priorities, maintaining focus and enthusiasm.


Embracing an Early Start Date: Initiating Your Software Project Quickly

Starting a Pricefx project quickly will likely offer you more value and a smoother implementation process. You can recoup your investment costs sooner, increasing your immediate ROI. Resources will likely be more accessible if you leverage the project's initial momentum among leadership. Critical personnel are also more likely to sign on to your project when approached during the initiative's early stages. 

The challenges of a shorter implementation timeline, like data readiness, can quickly be addressed using the momentum and internal support the project generates to tackle quality issues. A quicker implementation will reduce resource constraints, making up for the shorter timeline to marshal assets. 

Your SI partner will support your quick implementation to ease the strain of a condensed timeline. They have handled this process before and can offer guidance to keep every step on track. 

You will have a helping hand throughout the process; your SI partner will be your primary resource throughout the implementation. If you want to know more about what the implementation process requires of your company, read more about end-to-end training during a Pricefx project.